Heat exchanger inspection

Heat exchanger inspection

This article describes the common activities, which are requested to perform the “Heat exchanger inspection” by third-party inspection company.

In the previous article Heat exchanger- During product inspection you can find some initial common activities on the production process and quality control services, provides by a third-party inspection company considering the specified intervention on the related inspection and test plan “ITP”.

Heat exchanger inspection by third party inspector
Heat exchanger inspection by third party inspector

1- Pneumatic pressure test

Pneumatic strength and tightness test on exchanger with piping should be performed based on the specified conditions on the test procedure and related reference standard.

Pressure test chart
Pressure test chart

In the test procedure, it is described how the pressure should be increased to reach the final pressure test. The diagram including the pressure test and test duration is provided based on the test results.

Pressure increases step by step in the pressure test
Pressure increases step by step in the pressure test

After the test, a visual inspection is carried out on the heat exchanger to detect the unacceptable deviations.

Heat exchanger visual inspection after the test
Heat exchanger visual inspection after the test

In case of any unacceptable deviation, such as permanent deformation, leakage, or pressure drop, the test will be rejected and it should be done again after needful corrective action by the vendor.

Heat exchanger visual inspection after the test
Heat exchanger visual inspection after the test

2- What’s the purpose of the leak test?

One of the critical steps of “Heat exchanger inspection” which is applied on the various types of heat exchangers is the leakage test. In the leak test, a test gas such as helium or hydrogen/nitrogen mixture is filled in on the primary side of the medium and the concentration is measured on the secondary side.

Heat exchanger under helium leak test
Heat exchanger under helium leak test

The gas mixture passes through even the smallest leaks and the concentration can easily be measured. This test is applied to the various heat exchangers to determine whether the manufactured item leakage is within the specified leak limit or not.

Leakage could occur through a defect e.g., crack or hole and due to the defect size, the leakage will be increased. The measured leakage is compared with the acceptance limit.
An advantage of this method is that the leakage test is non-destructive and detects the area of the leakage with a cheap and simple test.

Manometer for test with air pressure
Manometer for test with air pressure

Used gas during the leakage test is specified in the test procedure and it can be air, helium, or a mixture of specified gases such as hydrogen/nitrogen.
In the case of using helium gas, a helium gas detector is applied to measure the amount of leakage. A probe is sniffing on the outer surface, which the helium is pressurized in it, and detect any leakage from the surface or welding imperfections and defect. Measured leakage should be in the specified and allowed range in the related standard or procedure. Any unacceptable value due to the defects should be considered and the defects should be repaired and retested to achieve a satisfactory result.

Helium detector – Leak rate 1.1×10-5 after 30 minutes

3- Don’t forget to check nameplate during heat exchanger inspection

The third-party inspector checks the nameplate according to the related drawing. The size of the nameplate and contents shall be checked based on the needful information specified on the spec/data sheet and nameplate drawing.

Checking the Nameplate including dimensions and information
Checking the Nameplate including dimensions and information

4- Check of cleanliness

A technical inspector checks the cleanliness, dryness, and rust prevention before painting. Any dirt, dust, rust, or surface defection shall be removed and the surface should be prepared for painting. Different methods may be applied for surface preparation before painting like a shot blast, sandblast, or acid cleaning.

5- Heat exchanger inspection- Painting

The Painting inspection is carried out in the presence of the technical inspector and based on specified activities in the ITP and painting procedure. Due to the specified third-party attendance percentage, some painting tests could be offered by the vendor to be witnessed or reviewed by the inspector.

RAL code checking, dry film thickness check, and visual inspection are common activities to check the painting. Each non-conformity and painting imperfection should be re-worked and repaired by the manufacturer to reach the accepted results.

Heat exchanger inspection-DFT check
Heat exchanger inspection-DFT check

In the next article “Heat exchanger-final inspection” the final activities and shipment preparation steps will be described.

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